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WCU Stories

William Moultrie

William Moultrie

William Moultrie, associate vice chancellor for Student Success, carries a firm belief in never underestimating oneself. He holds true that the size of one’s problems is nothing compared to their ability to solve them. There is hard work to be done and the pressure of privilege challenges us to stay honest and engage in a more meaningful life.  

Jack A. Eaddy Jr.

Jack A. Eaddy Jr.

Jack A. Eaddy, Jr., a native of Orangeburg, SC, and director of athletic bands at Western Carolina University, was named one of 10 finalists for the Grammy’s 2023 Music Educator Award, being the only college professor chosen among 1,205 nominees.   

Jane Adams-Dunsford

Jane Adams-Dunford

With more than 30 years of experience in higher education, Jane Adams-Dunford is passionate about lifelong learning, diversity and inclusion and being a champion for students.   

Dana Patterson

Dana Patterson

Dana Patterson is proud of her success because it does not belong to her alone. It belongs to the ancestors on whose shoulders she stands, and it belongs to the future generations that will follow her.   

Benny Smith

Benny Smith

Benny Smith is proud of his success because he is deliberate in using the investment of time and energy that a community of people have given him throughout his life to make a lasting impact in the lives of others.   

Brandi Hinnant-Crawford

Brandi Hinnant-Crawford

Brandi Hinnant-Crawford says that her success makes her humble, appreciative and grateful. She is proud, but not of herself; She is proud of the fantastic community that raised and nurtured here. And her success makes her accountable to that community.   

Myron Jackson

Myron Jackson

Myron Jackson is proud of his success because it taught him to be grateful for the help and support of others. One cannot succeed alone.   

Shamella Cromartie

Shamella Cromartie

Shamella Cromartie didn’t recall the first time she heard that “if you live by the cheers, you die by the boos,” but it stuck with her and it shapes much of her thoughts around success.   

Munene Mwaniki

Munene Mwaniki

Getting a PhD certainly isn't easy and there are few Black professors to model after, but Mwaniki also was fortunate in a lot ways and didn't believe that a degree made him smarter than others.  

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